More Data, More Access, Less Risk

Expand Data and Employee Access Safely and Securely

Dasera challenges the traditional view that more data access increases risk. Our advanced automated controls help your organization scale safely, enabling you to grow without proportionately raising risks. By ensuring safe data utilization, we revolutionize data risk management while maintaining a controlled risk environment.

Build Your Data Security Posture with Dasera

Secure your data at every stage with our unique user-centric DSPM Framework, from continuous discovery to proactive monitoring.


Uncover the Unknown

Automatically and continuously discover all sensitive data—both known and 'shadow,' structured and unstructured—across cloud, on-premises, and SaaS environments. Determine its location, classify and tag based on sensitivity, identify who has access, and analyze user interactions for a comprehensive view of your data ecosystem, ensuring you control your critical data.


Focus on what matters most

Leverage insights from the discovery phase to identify and address your most critical data security needs. Focus on data sensitivity, risky users, vulnerable infrastructure, and anomalous usage. Allocate security resources efficiently, concentrating on areas with the highest potential risk and the greatest business impact.


Proactive risk management

Minimize data risks through automated security controls.  Enforce access policies to restrict exposure. Protect your infrastructure by patching vulnerabilities and implementing least privilege. By
deploying these built-in and customized controls, you directly address identified vulnerabilities and safeguard your entire data ecosystem.


Maintain vigilant oversight

Continuously monitor infrastructure to identify new data stores that lack appropriate controls. Scrutinize these stores for unexpected changes in volume or format, ensuring that sensitive information is adequately protected.  Track user activity for abnormal access patterns and usage spikes to proactively defend against and minimize potential threats.

When you choose Dasera, you will:

Deploy with flexibility
Tailor deployments for any environment, supporting both agent-based and agentless solutions.
Integrate seamlessly
Connect with an open platform architecture featuring extensive integrations for streamlined operations.
Automate workflows
Simplify complex manual processes and enhance efficiency with automation.
Achieve robust performance
Ensure performance at scale, whether in the cloud, hybrid, or on-premises environments.
Enable rapid response
Enhance investigative and remediation workflows for quicker, more effective responses.
Boost team collaboration
Break down silos and improve productivity with tools that empower cross-functional teams.

What are our customers saying?

From 2 weeks to 5 minutes

Before Dasera we would take up to 2 weeks to answer certain data-related and data security-related questions, with Dasera it takes us 5 minutes.

Bill Dougherty
Omada Health