Crossing the Chasm to Data Security Automation
Wind Cave 6.1 Release

Many companies are struggling to get visibility into where their sensitive data lives in order to better protect and utilize it to further business objectives. While Dasera users get this information for free through the platform, there is a greater challenge that companies are realizing they have: Crossing the chasm between data understanding and data security automation. Leveraging data context and understanding, smart companies automate business processes and policies to save time, save money, and improve business outcomes.

Dasera’s Wind Cave 6.1 release focuses on enabling customers to cross the automation chasm through three key areas of data security:

  • Integrations
  • Deployment
  • Accountability


Integrations are central to automation enabling improved risk awareness and more opportunities to orchestrate external workflows. Dasera is constantly releasing improved integrations with large and small software companies to enable customers to seamlessly include Dasera’s functionality into their current security workflows.

One example of new integrations is the new automated Snowflake masking feature that enables Snowflake users to set up continuous workflows to mask chosen sensitive fields.


The ability to deploy data security policies and capabilities at scale is a key aspect to automating business data policies and practices at scale. The Dasera team has enhanced deployment processes to support customers in their journey to data automation and ease the burden on data owners and governance teams.


One famous saying in data user circles is “garbage in, garbage out” which means that if low-quality data is used for analytical or business purposes, the result of using that data will not be very usable at best and misleading at worst. Smart companies are always focused on improving data usability across their multi-cloud environment.

One way to keep a high standard of data usability is clear accountability. Data owners who are assigned to databases can ensure the data they are over maintains acceptable quality levels and that appropriate people have access according to the principle of least privilege. This will ensure that the data stores, schemas, and tables can be operationalized to support business goals.

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Dasera is built to help companies overcome the security and data challenges that the modern cloud presents. If you are ready for the next phase of your data security journey, our team is here to support you. Please reach out to us with any questions on how to get started!

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Tyler Mathis